Monday, April 13, 2009

Instant Curb Appeal! (with Grass painting!)

Check this out! Instant Curb appeal accomplished by a special process and paint/stain that is sprayed on grass (to give it life and color vs brown, or to fill in dry spots and make it consistently green, etc).

The paint dries within 1-2 hours, will not rub off on shoes or pets, and it is totally NON-TOXIC!

Check out the BEFORE photo - taken just 3 hours before this was completed. The yard is drab, dry, and lifeless!

The perfect solution for apartments, commercial business buildings, foreclosed properties and personal residences.
Incredible transformation!

Before After

This is truly HAPPY GRASS!
For more information - or how to have your curb appeal
instantly changed in the Denver area, contact:
Linda Giebelhaus (720) 308-3958

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Sails are up!

Wow! This is a huge revelation this morning that I want to share with those who care....

For the last year, I feel like we have been in a small sailboat - in the middle of the ocean - in the 'perfect storm'. The waves are 50+ feet high, rain is pouring down, and we are completely disoriented and hopeless.... EXCEPT - for that small glimmer of hope that we know is in the Lord. We could not see it - or pick it up on our instruments, but knew it in our spirit. We also knew that our little boat - our only way to cling to life was about to burst apart by the pressure.

Yesterday - the waters calmed. Today - our sails are up. The sunshine is back out, and only we know how severe this storm was... We're thankful to be alive, blown away that we survived, and profoundly thankful for that 'glimmer of hope' we had in the Lord.

HE rewards those who earnestly seek Him, and tells us that it's impossible to please God without faith. Thank God for that little 'mustard seed' of faith - to hang on - until HE came to our rescue.

Our Redeemer lives!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The TRUTH Project

Be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2) NIV

This small group Bible Study begins tomorrow in Brighton at Pams house. It's a great video series that challenges us of the importance of marrying our actions to our core beliefs. I'm very excited to be together again and spur one another on to a closer walk with the Lord.
If you know anyone that would like to join us in this, let them know. It's open till next Thursday.

The wolf in sheeps clothing...

Someone sent me this photo and I love it, because it's a graphic illustration of what's really taking place in the spiritual and sometimes the physical realm.

This is what deception looks like. One can hardly detect it among us, yet it is here and sneaks in...
The wolf is there, alright. In churches, at our work, in our neighborhood, etc.
You may not even recognize him, but he is the one that whispers things in your ear, condemns your behavior, brings things up from the past, and causes division among you. He operates in stealth mode - quietly living among us - but with a purpose...
To divide, discourage, destroy, and to cause dispair.
Thank God we don't have to live with him forever, because he does not like us - although he pretends to. He's always snooping around looking for who he can devour and destroy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jacks Toothpick Trick

Jack, our grandson practiced this one for a long time, and we're quite proud of his finished work.

Can you figure it out?

NORTHPOINT - Taking the light into the City

Look at these beautiful people. Committed. Servants. Visionaries. Families. God Lovers and Followers. On January 4th, this little band of Believers was commissioned from Hill Country Bible Church (HCBC) as the 14th church plant.

This is one of the most Beautiful of things, and.....
They will NEVER BE THE SAME!!!

Three Favorite places

1. In bed with Giebel (my husband of 37 years), and our little dog Wilson.
2. With the family and grandchildren. Buck & Melanie & their families.
3. Sleepovers with Tom and Holly - our friends in Cedar Park, Texas.

Pastor Luke - Announcements

Wanna see the most precious thing on earth? This is Luke, copying his father Buck - and making announcements - asking the Elders to come forward, then praying for the people of the Church. This blesses my heart more than anything.

Luke is our grandson and his dad is Buck, the Pastor of Hill Country Bible Church Northpoint - held their first service this last weekend, January 11th, 2009 - at Parkside Elementary School. Check out their website

Great service, with everyone serving and greeting and taking care of the children of the visitors. Apparently they had 172 people attend.

Northpoint is an incredible, vibrant, energetic body of Believers, with hearts that are following Jesus, and a passion for people that is incredible! Their love is awesome and contageous! If you know anyone in North Austin or in the Cedar Park/Leander area, then tell them about this and have them visit. They will be blessed!

Enjoy the video of Luke. It blessed my heart BIG TIME.

Fun Stuff - a Mobile Chicken Coop???

One of the coolest things I found this last weekend at the Home and Garden show in Austin is a portable chicken coop. The designer of this particular one is Josh Hudgins.

Look at the wood handles on the front of it - and it has wheels on the back. Simply pick it up like you would a wheel barrow, walk backwards, and move it to the next spot on in the yard. It's a moving fertilizer manufacturing plant. :)

Josh said it holds up to 8 chickens, holds the water and food containers, has a lightweight roof, and is just plain cool! Check out the solar panel in the lower right hand corner. This is to put an electric fence wire around the bottom of it - so foxes or wild animals don't get your precious chickens. There are also 3 cubby holes inside for the chickens to lay eggs, and a side door.

It's a perfect thing for a large back yard - in a neighborhood that allows chickens! Check out their website at

Josh and his lovely bride/assistant Michelle are working hard on their business, so check out their website and tell your friends! They live out in Burnet, TX, where he is building a workshop to manufacture these things. He's also a seasoned expert on actually raising chickens. He incubates the eggs, and I watched him answering questions for folks stopping by his booth - on the best ones to get, etc.

That was a delightful - and stimulating time - just thinking about all that went into this project. I especially love the young and creative energy this couple had!